I began to organize a new and separate store for all my autumn/winter items. It will be bigger than I currently use, so I can't wait to put my new staffs into it and enjoy the order! Dressing rituals will be more joyful. Moreover I refresh decoration in my gardrobe. I bought antique Hungarian crochet pillowcase in colours of white and blue. I put a bed into this room too, so as I can have a short relax and mediatation after dressing down and before shower. Still needed:
- knitted blanket,
- a soft carpet and
- a pretty antique mirror.
Here is below the cupboard structure I planned for my winter collection.
I think one of the most important thing is to use same hangers and store shoes in another cupboard placing in a different room, far from dresses!
Helpful video I recommend to you:
So excited... Go for it, girl! :)
i'm soooo jealous! wish i had more closed space, but i live in a one bedroom unit :(
She Wore It Well Blog