2010. március 3., szerda

In the mood for ...

simple hairstyles

As you can see I have changed my background and brought some brighter colours in it so as to harmonize the page for the next season and sunshine! Spring comes hardly into our country and through my new blogstyle I can wheedle it out maybe... What do you think? &:))
A few post ago I wanted to cut my hair and now I am glad to find again a new inspiration to wear my long hair in pony tail with a big organza bow! It is easy to do one on your own as the material keeps its form. I did two pieces (a black, and a light yellow for summer) and sew it onto a hair rubber. It is so fun to wear!
Bun is the other hair-do that I usually wear. However it is not so comfy for a whole day, but sometimes it is necessary. The happiness in this hairstyle: bun(s) looks great with simple blazer or leather jacket. It gives a super stylish possibility to emphasize the individuality of a face and outlines more sharply the personality.

Which one do you prefer?
Big bow fascinator or bun.

10 megjegyzés:

  1. hm.. I would have to go with the big bow fascinator. although in real life, i would go with the bun. i like all the looks! :)

  2. Jobban tetszik ez a világos háttérszín, és annak is örülök, hogy nem vágattad le a hajad. Én igen, és hát azért hiányzik.

  3. love them both .But i have always been a bun fan,specially the messed up look:)
    nice blog!

  4. Even though I adore the bow, the bun look is so elegant and simple to do.

  5. Big bow :)

    Csak par hete dontottuk el a koltozest. Nem,nem,soha nem szamolunk fel sehol semmit :)

    Jo eccakat !

  6. the big bow is great for high fashion, but the bun is good for real life.
    xoxo alison

  7. The bun. Any day. It's so convenient, and elegant.

  8. Hello! Tök jó lehet egy ilyen bemutató! :)
    Nagyon jók ezek a képek!
    Köszönöm a kedves kommentet nálam!
    SZép hétvégét! :)

  9. I love the new page design. Simple and bright. It also seems to load a lot faster.

    As for the hairstyles, these are all very cute. I noticed you mentioned a leather jacket. It seems a lot of us have been thinking leather lately. Is it just me?
